Words Generator with LSTM on Keras

Wei-Ying Wang 6/13/2017

(updated at 8/20/2017)

This is a simple LSTM model built with Keras. The purpose of this tutorial is to help you gain some understanding of LSTM model and the usage of Keras. This post is generated from jupyter notebook. You can download the .ipynb file, along with the material used here, at My Github

The code here wants to build Karpathy’s Character-Level Language Models with Keras. Karpathy posted the idea on his blog. It is a very fun blog post, which generated shakespear’s article, as well as Latex file with many math symbols. I guess we will never run out of papers this way… Most of all, this seems to be a great starting point to understand recurrant networks.

I found a lot of “typo” in the official document of keras. Don’t be too harsh to them; it is expected since keras is a extemely complicated module and it is hard for their document to keep on track of their own update. I write this tutorial to help people that want to try LSTM on Keras. I spent a lot of time looking into the script of keras, which can be found in your python folder:


The following code is running on

Python 3.6.0 (v3.6.0:41df79263a11, Dec 23 2016, 08:06:12) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)]

keras version 1.2.2

1. Shakespeare vs the Counterfeit

Let’s take a peek at the masterpiece:

Second Citizen:
Consider you what services he has done for his country?

First Citizen:
Very well; and could be content to give him good report fort, but that he pays himself with being proud.

Second Citizen:
Nay, but speak not maliciously.

First Citizen:
I say unto you, what he hath done famously, he did it to that end: though soft-conscienced men can be content to say it was for his country he did it to please his mother and to be partly proud; which he is, even till the altitude of his virtue.

Second Citizen:
What he cannot help in his nature, you account a vice in him. You must in no way say he is covetous.

First Citizen:
If I must not, I need not be barren of accusations; he hath faults, with surplus, to tire in repetition. What shouts are these? The other side o’ the city is risen: why stay we prating here? to the Capitol!

Ane the following is the counterfeit:

in this follow’d her emeth tworthbour both!
the great of roguess and crave-
down to come they made presence not been me would?

my rogrer to thy sorrow and, none.

king richard iii:
o, lading freeftialf the brown’d of this well was a manol, let me happy wife on the conqueser love.

king richard iii:
no, tyrend, and only his storces wish’d, as there, and did her injury.

o, shall you shall be thee, the banters, that the orditalles in provarable-shidam; i did not be so frangerarr engley! what is follow’d hastely be good in my son.

king richard iii:
or you good thought, were they hatenings at temper his falls, firsh to by do all, and adsime. if i her joy.

It is amazing how similar (structurewise) between the real work and the conterfeit. This tutorial will tell you step by step how this can be down with keras, along with some of my notes about the usage of keras.

import numpy as np
from __future__ import print_function
from keras.preprocessing import sequence
from keras.optimizers import Adam
from keras.models import Sequential, load_model
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM
from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping
import pickle
import AuxFcn
Using TensorFlow backend.

2. Data input

A small part of the code in this section is using Karpathy’s code in here.

The original shakespeare data has 65 distint characters. To relieve some computational burden, I reduced it into 36 characters with my own function AuxFcn.data_reducing(). Basically, I change all the uppercase letters to lowercase one, and only retain

",.?! \n:;-'"

characters. Should any other characters appear in the raw data, I simply change it into space character.

In the end we tranfer the strings of size n into a list of integers, x. You can convert the interger back to string by dictionary ix2char.

data = open('tinyShakespeare.txt', 'r').read() 
data = AuxFcn.data_reducing(data)

chars = list(set(data))
n, d = len(data), len(chars)
print('Data has %d ASCII characters, where %d of them are unique.' % (n, d))
char2ix = { ch:i for i,ch in enumerate(chars) }
ix2char = { i:ch for i,ch in enumerate(chars) }
#%% from text data to int32
x = [char2ix[data[i]] for i in range(len(data))]
Data has 1115394 ASCII characters, where 36 of them are unique.
dict_keys(['v', 'k', '!', 's', 'n', 'e', 'c', '.', 'f', '-', 'r', 'w', 'q', 'z', "'", '\n', 'y', 'h', 'u', ';', ' ', 'o', 'a', 'd', 'i', '?', 'l', 'm', 'j', 'b', 't', ':', 'g', 'p', 'x', ','])
# You will want to save it, since everytime you will get different ix2char dictionary, since you have use set() before it.

3. The model: Using 16 words to predict the next word

Our model will only make prediction based on the previous T characters. This is done by setting the time_step, $T$ by T=16.

First we have to convert x into onehot representation. So we convert x (which is a interger list of size (n,)) to x_nTd. Also, we set the prediction y_n.

Note that I only use N=200000 samples to build the model.

x_nTd,y_n = AuxFcn.create_catgorical_dataset(x, d,T)

N = 200000
x_tmp,y_tmp = x_nTd[:N,:,:],y_n[:N,:]
print('These are 15 of the samples of a slice of `x_tmp`:\n')
print('\nThe following is corresponding `y`, You can see that `y_n[i,:]=x[i+1,0,:]`:\n')
These are 15 of the samples of a slice of `x_tmp`:

hief enemy to t

The following is corresponding `y`, You can see that `y_n[i,:]=x[i+1,0,:]`:

ief enemy to th

3.1 Constructing an LSTM layer

  1. In the following, we will assign the first layer to be LSTM
    m = 128
    model.add(LSTM(m, input_shape=(T, d))).

    This means: when unrolling this recurrent layer, we will see:

    • m = 128 means this layer will produce a vector of size 128. You can think there is 128 of the LSTM layers, each output one value, parallelly (not stacking) output this vector of size 128.

    • 16 LSTM cells (Since T=16), where the cell output T hidden units $(h_1,…,h_T)$, called the output units, where each unit is a vector of size m.
      • Note that there are also T cell state units $(c_1,…,c_T)$, that only used between the LSTM cells in the same layer.
        • the cell state units (AKA recurrent units) controls long term information, which will be controlled by forget gate.
    • The input layer are T units $(x_1,…,x_T)$, each unit is a vector of size d, the number of distinct characters.
    • Note that every LSTM cell shares the same parameter.
  2. The next layer is the output layer, using softmax. Note that the softmax only applies on the information of $h_T$, the last activation of $h$.

  3. The structure of the unrolled neural network is (Also, take a look at Appendix 4, where a different architechure is defined):
    h_1 -- h_2 -- ... -- h_T
     |      |     ...     |
    x_1    x_2    ...    x_T

Parameters in LSTM layer

I will give a little explaination on the numbers of parameter of a LSTM layer. For more detail information, you can visit here.

The big picture:


The calculation of the outputs of an LSTM cell, $h_t$, $t=1,2,…,T$, requires the computation of current input units after 4 gates: forget gate, cell state gate, output gate, input gate. These gates (or say functions) acts on previous output unit, $h_{t-1}$, and current input unit, $x_t$. That is, the inputs of these gates are vectors generated by:

\[U\cdot h_{t-1}+W\cdot x_t+b.\]

These output 4 units inside of the LSTM cell: forget units $f_t$, temporary cell state units $\bar{c}_t$, temporary output units $o_t$, and input units $i_t$.

In particular:

\(f_t = \sigma(U_f\cdot h_{t-1}+W_f \cdot x_t+b_f)\) \(\bar{c}_t = tanh(U_c\cdot h_{t-1}+W_c \cdot x_t+b_c)\) \(o_t = \sigma(U_o\cdot h_{t-1}+W_o \cdot x_t+b_o)\) \(i_t = \sigma(U_i\cdot h_{t-1}+W_i \cdot x_t+b_i)\)

where $\sigma$ is the activation function, and

Note that each $U_f,U_c,U_o,U_i$ is (m,m), each $W$ is (m,d), each $b$ is (m,). Thus, in total we have \(4\cdot(m^2+m\cdot d+m)\) parameters.

The calculation of the output state $h_t$, and the cell state $c_t$ is as follows: \(c_t = f_t\cdot c_{t-1} +i_t \cdot \bar{c}_t\) \(h_t = o_t\cdot tanh(c_t)\)

As you can see,

  1. Each gate is only applied on the current input and previous cell state.
  2. The cell state unit, $s_t$ is controlled by $f_t$, $\bar{c}_t$, and $i_t$. That is: the forget unit, temporary cell state unit and input unit, respectively.
  3. The output unit, $h_t$ is controlled by $o_t$ and $s_t$. That is: the temporary output unit and cell state unit.

Forward Propagation

The forward propagation will be: set $h_0=\bf 0$ and $c_0=\bf 0$, then

  1. input $x_1$, then calculate $h_1$ and $c_1$, then
  2. input $x_2$, then calculate $h_2$ and $c_2$, and so on
  3. Unitl obatain $h_T$
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(m, input_shape=(T, d)))
adam = Adam(clipvalue=1)# all the gradient will be clipped to the interval [-1,1]
Layer (type)                     Output Shape          Param #     Connected to                     
lstm_2 (LSTM)                    (None, 128)           84480       lstm_input_2[0][0]               
dense_2 (Dense)                  (None, 36)            4644        lstm_2[0][0]                     
Total params: 89,124
Trainable params: 89,124
Non-trainable params: 0

Note that the Output Shape are (None, 128) and (None, 36), this means the model can receive dynamic batch size, i.e. if you input a batch of samples of size k (for calculate of SGD), the first layer will generate output of size (k,128). Take a look at Appendix 1, where I explain batch_input_shape, input_shape, batch_shape.

3.2 Training the model

history = model.fit(x_tmp, y_tmp,
                  nb_epoch=1, # adjust this to calculate more epochs.
                  verbose=0, # 0: no info displayed; 1: most info displayed;2: display info each epoch
# AuxFcn.print_model_history(history)

4. Fun time: Generate the txt

To have fun fast, you can load the model I generated, which has ran about 60 epochs (each epoch took about 140s), don’t forget to load the dictionary ix2char as well.

my_ix2char = pickle.load( open( "dic_used_LSTM_16_128.pkl", "rb" ) )
model_trained = load_model('keras_char_RNN')

The following code generates the text

initial_x = x_nTd[250000,:,:]
words = AuxFcn.txt_gen(model_trained,initial_x,n=1000,diction=my_ix2char) # This will generate 1000 words.
diens if praise his grapie,
and now that were shake shame thee lawn. it make my his eyes?

it was and hear me of mind.
or with the death motions,
mutines unhoo jeily her entertablaness in the queen the duke of you make by edward
that office corriag
withal feo!
will it the fat; our poss, myshling withaby gop with smavis,
i am, but all stands not.

lady atus:
was with the friends him, triud!

well, yet threng forth that not a pail;
thou deserve terry keeps, to know humbance it, and that they mugabless cabiling given
burght with wile wondelvy!
lord, sut cursied the gray to tell me, sites by dangerand great business;
go fan
a power to dies 't
bul the volsciagfel'd,
when have did is frame?

behay, i will know the truft, we prome, but it intworty knee, our enemies,
whose as him 'fiselfuld me that know no more;
must not smead in shed reasons!

say, making high even: for day i thank you aid; be not.

first murderer:
so thou wife from mine,
less very the


1. Confusion about batch_input_shape, input_shape, batch_shape

I check the keras code to derive the following statement.

2. What is stateful parameter

You might be wondered what is stateful argument when building the first LSTM layer. i.e.


If using stateful=True, when parameter update by SGD for 1 batch (here we set batchsize=10), say we have the activation $h_1^\star,…,h_T^\star$ and $s_1^\star,…,s_T^\star$. Then, in the next batch, the $h_0$ will be set as $h_T^\star$ and the $s_0$ will be set as $s_T^\star$. The previous procedure doesn’t make a lot of sense. I just put it the way so you can understand. So, when will we use stateful=True? For example: when every time step you want to output a prediction (rather than output a prediction using 6 time steps, as we are doing here) We will, in the end, build that word generator that using previous word to generate the next word, at that time, we will turn this parameter on.

The defaut value is stateful=False.

3. The dropout in LSTM

To have dropout (note that the website of keras uses keyword ‘dropout’, which cannot run in this version), use the following keywords when building LSTM layer (i.e. model.add(LSTM(...,dropout_W=0.2,dropout_U=0.2)). The describtion I found in keras module is:

 dropout_W: float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the input units to drop for input gates.
 dropout_U: float between 0 and 1. Fraction of the input units to drop for recurrent connections. 

4. What is return_sequences parameter

This parameter is defined when assigning LSTM layer, e.g.

LSTM(m, input_shape=(T, d), return_sequences=True)

This will ouput hidden units of each time, i.e. $h_1,h_2,…,h_T$ to output. By default it is set to False means the layer will only ouput $h_T$, the last time step.

Take a look at Ouput Shape at model summary:

model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(m, input_shape=(T, d), 
Layer (type)                     Output Shape          Param #     Connected to                     
lstm_8 (LSTM)                    (None, 25, 128)       84480       lstm_input_7[0][0]               
dense_7 (Dense)                  (None, 25, 36)        4644        lstm_8[0][0]                     
Total params: 89,124
Trainable params: 89,124
Non-trainable params: 0